• PO BOX: 34444, Abu Dhabi, UAE


Health and safety are our utmost priorities – this is non-negotiable and there are no exceptions.

At WORLDWIDE METAL LLC, work-site safety is our number one priority on each demolition and environmental remediation job site. Our superior safety record is a result of extensive preparation, a professional and industry-leading safety program, and high-quality performance every step of the way. Our company promotes and encourages safety on the job site as an absolute necessity by holding kickoff meetings with every crew member detailing every single task and subtask to be performed. Not only is our mission to protect the safety of our teams, it’s of paramount importance to protect the local community we’re serving.

The safety and wellbeing of our staff, contractors and visitors is paramount. To ensure that we meet our high health and safety standards, we have a comprehensive and exhaustive health and safety policy endorsed by our Board of Directors.

Each operating division has its own committee, which monitors incidents, provides direction and works in conjunction with OH&S professionals. Every health and safety incident, no matter how large or small, is recorded within our comprehensive safety system. This allows us to analyse the possible causes of incidents and implement mitigation strategies to ensure that they are not repeated.

Health and safety is everybody’s business at WWM – it is a shared responsibility. Initiatives undertaken include peer-to-peer observational behavior audits, continuous risk assessments, initial staff induction and ongoing Health and Safety training.

Environmental Stewardship

WWM’s businesses are fully aligned with – and are in fact helping to drive – tomorrow’s “circular economy”. As an alternative to the traditional linear economy (make, use, dispose), the idea of the circular economy is to keep resources in use for as long as possible; extract the maximum value from those resources while in use; and then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of their useful life.